The latest vehicle is more than double the size of its predecessor, which raised €975m in 2019.
Smarter analytics will 'forecast future performance, identify untapped opportunities, expose hidden risks, and assist in strategic decision making,' Navneet Govil, SoftBank Vision Fund CFO, said at PEI's CFO & COOs Forum last week.
The European investment firm expects asset under management to reach €25bn in five years’ time as it seeks to tap more private wealth investors.
The asset management giant outlined large opportunities in private wealth, Asia-Pacific and sustainability during its latest investor day.
From new entrants to biggest risers and fallers and capital raising by region, our interactive presentation digs deeper into this year’s ranking.
Strong returns and accelerated digital transformation are among the factors giving weight to growth strategies.
A lot of capital is swirling around growth equity, a sign of the strategy’s growing appeal beyond buyouts and venture capital.
Technology specialists are hot on the heels of the very largest multi-asset managers with the pandemic adding further impetus.
P_Pricing_Value creation
Although public market volatility doesn't have to weigh heavily on companies' December NAVs, GPs ignore it at their peril.
Jose Maria Loizaga, Moira Capital Partners
Leading figures of the country's private equity industry pay tribute to José Maria Loizaga Viguri, a founding father of Spanish private equity, who passed away after contracting the coronavirus.

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