Private equities director Pitchai Yungtawesak answers our quick-fire LP quiz.
Family offices have the most positive attitude to private equity since PEI began surveying them five years ago.
Adventurous LPs
These eight limited partners are willing to take a chance on fund terms, strategies and co-investments most won’t give a second glance – and their private equity programmes are reaping the benefits.
A lack of visibility over a market downturn is 'concerning', according to the head of private equity at Canada's second largest pension.
This summer Richard Clarke-Jervoise, head of the private equity team at family office manager Stonehage Fleming, shared his thoughts on management fees, subscription credit lines, and what family office investors really want.
According to a survey of LPs by placement agent Probitas Partners, declining interest in China is driving a drop-off across emerging markets.
The US’s largest public pension decreased its overall expense costs by $170m during the fiscal year ended 30 June, up from $67m of savings last year.
Jeffrey Diehl, managing partner and head of investments at Adams Street Partners, sees the mega-funds raised in 2017 as a sign of things to come.
A low interest rate environment and growth in pension fund money continue to fuel to South Korean LPs' expansion into alternatives.
The use of subscription credit lines was a defining and divisive debate among LPs and GPs in 2017.

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